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My Year In Review 2014

in Inspiration

2014 has had its ups and downs.  I’ve been blessed with some amazing experiences. But I have a feeling 2015 will be even better!I started the year by creating a memory jar to capture all of the highlights during the year. As I’m reading through the moments tonight I’m realizing how fortunate I’ve been. It’s the small funny things that I had forgotten about that I love looking back on. We remember the big moments, but it’s the small ones we tend to forget.

I had a vision board workshop with some friends. During this workshop I created my 2014 vision board and so many things came true! A month after I made my board a found out about a beach house for sale and we bought it!!!!!  A dream come true!

A few months later I met my idol and the woman who made a profound impact on my life Dr Brene Brown!!!  Amazing!

I traveled to Boston, San Diego, Charlotte, New Jersey and Brooklyn, Denver, Massachusetts, Ocracoke, NC, Colonial Williamsburg, Ocean City, Maryland.

I created a 6 week class called Courage Camp that helped women find more courage in their lives. It was a huge success and led to so many great things.

I’ve taught a strengths workshop at my favorite hair salon.

I’ve coached some amazing people and been so honored that they allowed me into their worlds.  It’s a pleasure doing the work I do especially since I do it with so many incredible people.

This year I also had some losses. I’ve had three aunts and a very dear friend pass away. I’ve been sad. It’s been hard. But I’ve allowed the grief and sadness.  I miss them so much.

In a little more than 12 month I’ve had 8 new cousins born Charlotte, Taylor, Liam, Chloe, Riley, Madelyn, Henry, Kenzie and 2 more on the way…

I bought a new car.

I’ve been to two great weddings, too many funerals, one graduation party, one divorce start over celebration, one week family vacation and one great bachelorette party.

I celebrated my 4 year wedding anniversary. Woohoo!

I’ve connected with some old friends and made lots of new ones.

Thanks for being part of my year!  I’m looking forward to what 2015 has in store for us!

I hope your year is filled with love, laughter, prosperity and fun!


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